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- Review the appropriate ethical scenarios for your college from the list below.
Respond to the following questions with 150 to 200 words each based upon your college’s supplemental standards. Refer to your college’s supplemental standards to inform your response. - Question 1 1 Point Reach each scenario for your college below. What standard applies for each scenario? (Copy and paste the applicable standard.)
- Question 2 1 Point For each scenario, identify what the incorrect action was that resulted in a violation of the supplemental standards.
- Question 3 1 Point What decision or action could have been done different so that it would have complied with the standard? Provide details for each scenario for your college.
- College of Education Ethical Scenarios
- The feedback on your student teaching midterm indicates that improvement is needed in classroom management. You disregard this feedback because you believe it is more important to be nice to your students.
- Your Teacher Education Specialist (TES) requests your resume and a cover letter, per a school district’s requirement, to place you for observations. Your TES notices some spelling and grammatical errors and suggests revision; you refuse and insist that the TES submit your original documents to the school district.
- As you prepare to take over the classroom in student teaching, you ask your cooperating teacher for suggestions to help you differentiate instruction for English Language Learners. Your cooperating teacher advises you, “Don’t worry about it. They’re in America and they should know English.” When planning for your unit, you decide to take your cooperating teacher’s advice.
- College of Education – Administration Ethical Scenarios
- Your mentor has tasked you with sending an urgent notice to parents regarding a suspicious vehicle that has been spotted near the school campus. You are behind on an assignment for your internship course, and elect to prepare the notice the following day.
- Halfway through the completion of your internship hours, your mentor resigns and moves out of state. Afterwards, you realize that you did not receive signatures for all of your internship hours. Using a copy of your mentor’s signature, you forge the signatures for your remaining unverified hours.
- During school conferences, a disagreement arises between a teacher and a parent; your mentor asks you to intervene. You immediately reprimand the teacher in front of the parent, apologizing for the teacher’s behavior.
- College of Nursing Ethical Scenarios
- A healthcare administrator and nurse are overheard by a patient’s family in the hospital cafeteria discussing the patient’s plan of care, prognosis, and cost of care.
- An anonymous source called the Apollo Ethics and Compliance hotline. The source reported that Tara, a healthcare student, was using a website that wrote her assignments for her. The source submitted documentation verifying that Tara told a website employee about the required assignments. The documentation included receipts for purchased assignments, which were sent to her e-mail address. In addition, on two occasions, the source reported that Tara instructed the website employee to log in to her student account/classroom and look at the assignment that was due. As proof, the documentation included the student’s login ID and password.
- Linda, a student in the College of Health Professions withdrew in week five a class due to a family emergency. When she retook the class she submitted the same work from the first class, but did not receive permission from her faculty member to use the same work.
- College of General Studies Ethical Scenarios
- You are a student in a human development course. One of your classmates says he grew up as a teenager in Los Angeles, CA in 2001. Because he is Persian, he said he felt discriminated against. You note that his name is John and, from his picture on PhoenixConnect, he does not look like someone who would experience what he described. You post a note in the class, “Say, John, I never would have thought someone like you would be a victim of hate crimes. You look so normal.”
- A client you are helping has a carpet business. During one of your home visits, you compliment the client on his nice carpet. You say, “I have wanted to get a new carpet in my living room, but have to wait until I can save up a bit more. You know how expensive it can be.” Your client replies, “Oh, you have been so helpful to my family, I can get you carpet and install it for near-cost. That will save you hundreds of dollars. I would be happy to do this for you.” You think this will help your client with his business and help you get new carpet. You reply, “How generous of you. I have wanted to get a new carpet for so long. But I am going to pay fairly!” Later in the week, you and the client meet to pick out the color and he takes the measurement of your living room.
- You receive a telephone call from one of your classmates, who is in tears. She completed 12 weeks of her field experience class, and then the community out-reach center that she was volunteering at closed down. They only gave her a week’s notice. She lamented how difficult it was to find an approved agency and she does not want to start over. She discloses a plan to get through the next 3 weeks without her instructor or the university knowing that the agency is closed. You are empathetic to your classmate’s plight, remembering the stress you experienced securing your volunteer placement. You agree to help your classmate.
- Other Colleges Ethical Scenarios
- You are a bookkeeper working for a business. You create a second set of books for a specific account using incorrect numbers because your supervisor asked you to.
- You observe a colleague giving confidential customer information to a friend outside of the company.
- You are hiring for a position at work. You have three strong candidates you are considering. Your boss comes to you and says, “You should consider hiring my nephew. We can go out for dinner next week to celebrate.”
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