Global Economy.
  1. What are GPNs and how do they function and operate? Who are the GPN actors that are referred to in Chapter 3 and do they work with each other or against each other?
  2. Discuss extent to which capital is becoming reterritorialized or disembodied. What does this currently mean to international business which attempts to expand internationally?
  3. Discuss the extent to which TNCs and / or financialization affect process of globalization, and vice versa.
  4. Are Non-Government Production entities (NGOs) an effective way to curb excesses of YNCs, or part of the problems?
    1. Group #1 members will take the argument in support of this statement that NGOs are an effective way to curb excesses of TNCs.

Chapter 4

  1. Technological change is defined as a socially and institutionalized embedded process. Do you agree with this statement and why or why not?
  2. There are supposedly four types of technological change. List them and define what they mean. Are there more? List these as well.
  3. Which is more significant, communications technology or transportation technology?
    1. Group #2 members are to take the position in support of transportation technology.
  4. Conduct the trends identified by this chapter and where they might lead to the future, if at all.

Book: ISBN:978146251955-2


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Global Economy

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