Human Resource Legalities. Part 1: For Part 2 you will write and submit a research paper that focuses on the following elements:

· the role that human resources has in upholding legal responsibilities of an organization,

· current equal employment opportunity laws,

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· differentiation between management of diversity and affirmative action, and

· challenges in managing a diverse work team and examples of how the management of a diverse team can be improved.

In preparation for your research paper (due in Unit IV), you will conduct research and locate four articles to support your paper. locate at least four peer-reviewed journal articles, one that supports each of the points listed above.

For part 1: Submit a two page annotated bibliography of the four articles you will be using to support your research. Include an explanation of why the sources were selected and how they are of value to the topic. Use APA style for your annotated bibliography.

Part 2: you will reflect on the research you conducted and write a paper that addresses the items below.

· Provide an introduction and explain the role that human resources has in upholding legal responsibilities of an organization.

· Identify and discuss at least two current equal employment opportunity laws.

· Discuss the differences between management of diversity and affirmative action.

· Describe the challenges in managing a diverse work team.

· Provide examples of how the management of diverse teams can be improved within an organization.

Your research paper must be at least three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages, and must include at least four peer-reviewed sources.

Be sure to support your research paper with the resources you located for your annotated bibliography in Part 1. Use APA style for your paper.

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Human Resource Legalities

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