Innovator Globalization Research Project.

Format of the Report

  • PART I•         Strategy Taking: Alternative generation and assessment

o          Step 1 (planning).  Environmental value assessment: Strategic approach for assessing the system value of business ecosystem, organizational stakeholders, and rapid technology.   Analyze the business ecosystem in your target nation, using SHEENY framework.   What are major economic, national and psychological costs for the stakeholders of how the firms in your sector and region perform?  (just like Chobani did to assess the value of their alternative strategy) What are some new technologies/ products/ solutions that the firms in your assigned sector and region are offering to add social, human, and ecological, values?    (just like Chobani does).

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o          Step 2 (programming). Business ecosystem Value assessment.  Strategic approach for assessing the ecosystem value of Business strategies, Blue Ocean Strategy and White Ocean Strategy.   How are the firms in your assigned sector and region empowering other firms to become more differentiated and cost leading (just as Green Sky helps subcontractors)?   Analyze how they are creating blue oceans by reducing economic, national and psychological costs of how business was done traditionally (just as Green Sky helps lenders find a new untapped opportunity – use the four actions framework)? 

o          Step 3 (performing).  Organizational stakeholders Value Assessment. Strategic approach for assessing the organizational value of competitive, supplementary and complementary linkages.   How are the firms in your assigned sector and region including diverse customers, by offering a competitive alternative to six sigma firms (just like Ulta Beauty does by networking one sigma firms as supplementary or additional linkages)?   How are they engaging six sigma firms to become more responsible (just like Ulta Beauty does by offering solutions that include major brands for complementary use to their customers)?

o          Step 4 (profiting).  Rapid technological Value assessment.  Strategic approach for assessing the technological value of trading, exchange, and servicing opportunities.   How are the firms in your assigned sector and region trading social, human, and ecological values from diverse one and six sigma firms (just like Tesla does)?  How are servicing economic, national and psychological values to both low income as well as high income customers (just like Tesla does).

PART II•           Strategy Making: Decision making

o          Step 5 (capability).  Market analysis. How trading, exchange and servicing shape opportunities for new capability models for technological growth?

o          Step 6 (trading).  Landscape analysis.  How the firm (corporate-effect), the strategic group (group-effect), and the strategic geography (geography-effect) shape the opportunities for creating new trading models within a market landscape?

o          Step 7. (exchange). International analysis.  How diverse strategic geographies (multilocal), diverse strategic groups (global), and diverse strategic firms (transnational) shape opportunities for creating new exchange models?

o          Step 8. (servicing). Growth analysis.  How diverse corporate-level growth options and business level growth options create strengths and weaknesses of the firms?

PART III•         Strategy Managing: Context shaping 

o          Step 9. (growth). Future analysis.  Using critical success factors and critical growth options together for designing future growth scenarios

9.1 First growth scenario

9.2 Second growth scenario

9.3 Third growth scenario

9.4 Fourth growth scenario

Note: Part I and Part II are each expected to be about 1200 words each.  Part III is expected to be about  600 words.

Innovator Globalization Research Project

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