Managerial accounting.

PPT Question:

Last week you selected a publicly traded company and found their annual report. Now that you have their financial information I would like you to perform a ratio analysis on the financial statements. Focus on the financial statement analysis chapter (PDF) you are reading this week. You will want to compute ratios for your company for the last two years. Do not compute each ratio you learned about for your company. There may be some that are not relevant. Rather focus on those eight ratios that you feel are the most important and relevant to analyze how your company is doing. Make sure to justify the ratios that you choose for your analysis. Compare how your company has done to the industry averages. Do you notice any trends that are positive or negative? Does anything look good or bad that is notable? Do you have any suggestions on things they could be doing to improve these ratios? Please analyze what you found for each of the eight ratios. Then organize your findings into a 15-minute presentation that you will work on during residency. Be sure to include some background on your company in your presentation. Please use PowerPoint for your presentation.

Note: Tesla Inc is the company and prepare 12 slides please

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Managerial accounting

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