MUST BE 8-10 PAGES    

in current APA format. The page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra material. In order to incorporate a solid Christian worldview, you must use 10–15 sources with at least 1 source being the Holy Bible. 

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For this research paper, compare and contrast the traits of a narcissistic leader with that of a covenant leader. 

· What is the organizational impact of a narcissistic leader and a covenant leader? 

 Imagine that you were a recently appointed chief of police in a large local police organization where the former police chief was not only a narcissistic leader but also promulgated narcissistic leadership qualities throughout all levels of leadership within the department.

· Develop a change plan in order to develop your organization with covenant leadership principles. 

 Specifically, how would you do this in a police organization? Detail changes in the organization’s mission, small changes you may make, large changes you may make, and the potential pitfalls and successes you may realize. 

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