Organizational HR Function Project. For this project, you will be acting as an HR consultant pitching your services to an organization. The goal of this project is to identify an organization, identify and describe an HR function area, and make recommendations to the organization of ways you, as an HR practitioner, could be of benefit to the organization. Your recommendations should consider the contribution to the strategic goals/planning of the organization. Present a document consisting of the company profile, an overview of the chosen functional area with which you will focus, and your recommendations developed from, and with reference to, the HR function studied in the course. Outside research should support your recommendations. This project is broken into three pieces, as outlined below. Refer to Figure 1-1 in the etext for an overview of the HR functions studied.

Organization Selection


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Organization Profile- this section at least 250 words

Building upon the selection in Week 1, provide profile details regarding the organization you have chosen. Details must include, but are not limited to:

  • Name of the organization.
  • Location of the organization. Use the location of the organization branch you plan to use as a frame of reference for the project.
  • Number of employees.
  • Type of service or business conducted by the organization.
  • A short summary explaining the history of the organization.

The profile document must be in essay/paragraph form. Your name and title of the company must be at the top of the page. The required length for the your profile is 250 to 500 words. Sources must be appropriately cited.

Organization Profile Rubric

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
(9-10 points)
Properly titled, company name, active website link and well described plan of action.
(8 points)
Company name, active website link and plan of action mostly complete.
(6 points)
At least one of the following is missing: company name, active website link, and plan of action.
(0-4 points)
Does not contain company name, active website link, and plan of action.
(32-40 points)
Organization profile is complete and is clear and well organized.
(30-31 points)
Organization profile is complete and is mostly clear and well organized.
(25-29 points)
Organization profile is mostly complete but is only somewhat clear and organized.
(0-24 points)
Organization profile is incomplete and is missing at least one required element.
(18-20 points)
Document is organized and well written with no spelling or grammar errors. Sources are correctly cited in APA. Document is at least 250 words.
(16-17 points)
Document is organized and mostly well written with only a few spelling or grammar errors. Sources are mostly cited correctly in APA, although one or two elements are incorrect. Document is 250 words.
(14-15 points)
Document is acceptable but organization, grammar and/or spelling needs attention; or sources are not correctly cited in APA. Document is less than 250 words.
(0-13 points)
Document does not meet the required length and contains significant grammatical and spelling errors.

Final HR Function Project- This section at least 1250 words

The final HR Function document should consist of the following:

  • Title page (must include date, course title, student’s name and title of document).
  • Organization profile (information from assignments in weeks 2 and 3).
  • Identify and provide context around a functional area (as listed in Figure 1-1) you plan to address within the organization and for which you will be presenting recommendations.
  • Present recommendations: Provide a thorough and professional report explaining how you would making changes to, or update, the functional area with your chosen organization. A demonstration of originality and critical thinking is expected. Reference HR processes from the textbook or other sources. Appropriately cite your sources, including the textbook.
  • The recommendations should be the result of researching online resources, books, journals, or direct communication with a member of the organization. Personal knowledge may be used, but it must not be the primary source. Appropriately cite your sources using APA.
  • Provide a summary of your final document as the conclusion. This conclusion should include a brief paragraph summarizing how your changes would benefit the organization’s HR processes.

Final HR Project Rubric

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
(27-30 points)
Title page and organization profile is complete.
(24-26 points)
Title page and organization profile is present, but missing one or two elements.
(21-23 points)
Title page and organization profile is present but missing key elements.
(0-20 points)
Title page and organization profile is not complete.
(27-30 points)
Functional Area is clearly defined and explained in relation to the organization.
(24-26 points)
Functional Area is somewhat clearly defined and explained, although aspects are vague and not well-organized.
(21-23 points)
Functional Area is only somewhat defined, and the explanation as it relates to the organization is minimal.
(0-20 points)
Functional Area is not well defined and explanation as it relates to the organization is confusing.
(72-80 points)
Paper demonstrates originality and critical thinking.
Paper presents clear, well-organized recommendations that relate to the functional area and connect with the mission and organization.
Recommendations demonstrate a thorough knowledge of HR processes studied in the course.
(64-71 points)
Paper demonstrates somewhat original and organized recommendations that relate to the functional area, although at times the connection to the mission and organization is not well developed or confusing.
Recommendations demonstrate some knowledge of HR processes studied in the course.
(56-63 points)
Paper presents vague or broad recommendations that only minimally relate to the functional area.
Recommendations are not quite clear or well-organized, and do not seem to connect with the mission of the organization.
Recommendations demonstrate only limited knowledge of HR processes studied in the course.
(0-55 points)
Recommendations are not appropriate for the organization and its mission and are not well developed.
Recommendations are vague and incomplete.
Recommendations do not demonstrate a clear understanding of HR processes studied in the course.
(27-30 points)
Research of organization, functional area, and information regarding recommendations is clear and well-organized alongside recommendations. Outside research comes from appropriate academic sources.
(24-26 points)
Research of organization, functional area, and information regarding recommendations is mostly clear and well-organized and mostly connects with the recommendations made. Outside research is mostly appropriate, although one or two instances are bias or vague.
(21-23 points)
Research of organization, functional area, and information regarding recommendations is not clear or not organized and only somewhat connects with the recommendations made. Outside research is minimal and is not quite appropriate for academic research.
(0-20 points)
Research of organization, functional area, and information regarding recommendations is missing or confusing and does not connect with the recommendations made. Research contains no reference to outside research.
(18-20 points)
Document is organized and well written with no spelling or grammar errors.
(15-17 points)
Document is mostly well organized and written, with a few spelling or grammar errors.
(13-14 points)
Document is not well organized or written clearly, with many spelling or grammar errors.
(0-12 points)
Document is not well written; contains significant spelling and grammar errors.
(9-10 points)
Sources are correctly cited and formatted using APA. Document is at least 1,500 words, excluding title and reference pages.
(8 points)
Sources are mostly correctly cited and formatted using APA, with one or two mistakes. Document is 1000-1499 words, excluding title and references pages.
(7 points)
Sources are somewhat correctly cited and formatted using APA, with multiple mistakes. Document is 500-1000 words, excluding title and references pages.
(0-6 points)
Sources are not correctly cited or formatted using APA, with multiple mistakes. Document is less than 500 words, excluding title and references pages.


Organizational HR Function Project

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