1. PHI 210 Week 5 Discussion Top of Form

“Identifying Misleading Information in an Argument”

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OPTION A: Find an online article (news, magazine, journal, etc.) on any subject that interests you that uses statistics to make its conclusion. Share a link in this thread.

Now answer these questions about that article:

  • What is the premise and      conclusion of the argument based on statistics?
  • Determine whether or not the      argument uses any deceptive statistics.
  • Give your opinion on whether      or not the argument has persuaded you. Explain why or why not.

OPTION B: Explain the primary ways in which statistics or authority are used in your current work position in developing persuasive arguments and provide examples here.


2. PHI 210 Week 6 Discussion Top of Form

“Identifying Truth or Fiction”

The video clip, “The Baloney Detection Kit,” this week discusses the ways an effective critical thinker assesses claims made by others.

  • Examine some key reasons why      people might seem attracted to pseudoscience-type claims.
  • Describe at least two (2) such      claims that you have heard people make and analyze the main reasons why      such claims do or do not meet rigorous scientific methodology standards.
  • Determine at least two (2) ways in which the      material discussed this week has changed your own thinking.


3. Precalculus Discussion Question

“Exponential Functions” Please respond to the following:

Explain how exponential functions can model both phenomena that grow and phenomena that decay. Note the main similarities and differences in the form of the function in each case.

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