Please read each question carefully and answer completely for full credit:. 1. Suppose you are a Human Resources Manager and your organization is looking to expand. Which recruiting strategies would you use in your search to fill open positions? Discuss the advantages of your strategies and explain why they would be effective.

2. In the 19th century, the U.S. saw a strong emergence of labor unions. In current time, the presence of unions has weakened and decreased in size. Why do you think that is?

3. Research shows that there are about 16 fatalities per year in the workplace in the U.S. alone. How can Managers increase workplace safety and avoid accidents? What kind of policies would you implement?

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4. What are some unique strategies used by HR Managers to create competitive advantages within their organization? Provide examples and explain your answer.

5. Do you agree or disagree with the notion that increasing pay will directly motivate employees to be more productive?

Extra Credit:

6. What is a contingency plan? Why is it important for HR Managers and key leaders to create one?

Please read each question carefully and answer completely for full credit:

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