Select one psychological personality assessment instrument or inventory to serve as the basis of this assignment.

Explore the psychological literature to find three to five articles that test the use of this inventory or assessment on a specific population.

Create a 15- to 20-slide presentation of an in-depth examination of your selected test and its uses. Include the following in your presentation:

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  • A description of the characteristics, uses, and purposes of your selected assessment instrument or inventory, and how it would be used in the workplace
  • An analysis of the relationship between your selected assessment and one of the major theories of personality
  • A summary of your research findings, paying particular attention to differences in the ability of the instrument to differentiate diagnostically between the target population and the general population
  • A list of psychometric properties of the test for the particular population
  • A discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of assessment methods used
  • A conclusion using a review of the literature on whether the instrument is an adequate measure of your selected characteristic, and any ethical considerations associated with your selected assessment

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

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