Safety and Agency Responsibility. When you walk into a human services organization, do you think about your safety? What about when you prepare to make a home visit or attend a meeting in the community? As a social worker, you may find yourself in situations in which your personal safety is at risk. Although you, as an administrator, cannot prepare for every situation, you should be proactive and put a plan into place to address issues related to workplace violence in the event that it occurs.

Required Readings

1. Northouse, P. G. (2018). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.

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· Chapter 11, “Managing Conflict” (pp. 239-271)

· Chapter 13, “Overcoming Obstacles” (pp. 301-319)

2. Zelnick, J. R., Slayter, E., Flanzbaum, B., Butler, N., Domingo, B., Perlstein, J., & Trust, C. (2013). Part of the job? Workplace violence in Massachusetts Social Service Agencies. Health & Social Work, 38(2), 75–85. ATTACHED DOCUMENT

For this Assignment, focus on the Zelnick et al. article on workplace violence and consider what plan you might want to have in place if you were an administrator having to address a similar workplace violence situation.

Assignment (2–3 pages in APA format):

Draft a plan for a human services organization explaining how to address traumatic emergency situations. Include both how to respond to the emergency and how to address any long-term effects. Finally, based on this weeks resources and your personal experiences, explain your greatest concern about the safety of mental health professionals working in a human services organization.

Support your post with specific references to the resources From the Required Readings. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Safety and Agency Responsibility

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