

If you obey the commandments of the LORD,…you will live and grow numerous. If, however, you turn away your hearts and do not listen,…I tell you now that you will certainly perish” (Deut 30:15-16). What does this statement represent? In 800-1000 words compare and contrast how Job and Rabbi Kushner wrestle with it. This is an open book/notes exam. You may use all of the lecture and reading materials presented during this part of the course as you prepare your response. Please double space and please upload your response as a Word or PDF.   Answer the question above using ONLY the below sources:   Read: Joshua 1-6, The Meaning of the Bible, ch. 3   Read: Matthew 5:38-48   Read article (attached): Stanley Hauerwas, September 11, 2001: A Pacifist Response Read: Job 1:1-3:26 and 40:1- 42:17 Read: The Meaning of the Bible, ch. 14 Read: When Bad Things Happen To Good People Install kindle in your Laptop go to Kindle “” username: password: Medo2017 And try to access the two books The meaning of the bibleWhy bad things happen to good people       Don’t forget to follow the rubric below too:
  Rubric Name: Rubric For Essay
          Criteria Novice

39 points Competent

44 points Proficient

50 points Criterion Student demonstrates only a surface understanding of the course materials. Student superficially re-states a few ideas presented during class lectures, and presented in primary and secondary reading. Students references none or less than all of primary reading, secondary reading, and lecture materials. Student demonstrates a good grasp of this part of the course by utilizing vocabulary, imagery, and ideas drawn directly from materials studied. While entering into some depth of discussion, student simply re-states ideas presented during class lectures and ideas presented in primary and secondary reading. Students references less than all of primary reading, secondary reading, and lecture materials. Student demonstrates a thorough grasp of this part of the course by utilizing vocabulary, imagery, and ideas drawn directly from materials studied. Student brings together elements from the course into his or her own synthesis. Student demonstrates capacity to analyze materials by drawing his/her own conclusions about the significance of the materials. Students references all of primary reading, secondary reading, and lecture materials. Grammar and spelling are near perfect to perfect. Overall Score Novice

0 or more

40 or more

45 or more


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