wk 6 Discussion 1.
Project Team Communications

Project teams may be made up of members who come from a variety of disciplines, professions, and skills. Members may be recruited from a number of internal and external organizations. Project managers must bring together diverse teams to produce the expected business results while maintaining communications and relative harmony. The Jung Myers-Briggs test is often used to identify personality types that make up a team. Armed with this information project team members may have a better idea of how best to approach, work with, and communicate with other members.

If you have previously taken the Myers-Briggs test then you may use that information here. If you have not taken the test before then please take the Jung Typology Test, tell us your four letter Myers-Briggs description, and briefly describe its meaning. Tell us if you believe the result accurately describes you and the potential strengths and weaknesses your personality type has in working in teams and or in relationships. (There are sources that discuss this). Replies should contain at least 200 words and be supported by at least one professional or academic source other than the textbook.

Respond to at least two other classmates with a brief description of how you may best communicate and work with them based on their four letter designation. Your replies should be between 100 and 150 words in length.

wk 6 Discussion 1

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