Anthropomorphism in Charlotte’s Web Movie Online Discussion.


Writing a short essay on how anthropomorphism is used in the 2006 movie Charlotte’s Web to highlight a specific social issue will help you understand how an author uses universal lessons that can be applied to future generations of readers. In this assignment, you will offer insights to your peers. Reading and reflecting on your peers’ ideas will help you develop perspective on ways that anthropomorphism is used in children’s literature.


  • After reading about Anthropomorphism, viewing the 2006 movie Charlotte’s Web, and completing the Anthropomorphism Chart, write a 2-4 paragraph writing, discussing the social issue and universal lesson the movie highlights and showing how anthropomorphism is used to characterize this issue/lesson. (Remember, a paragraph at the college level is 7-12 sentences in length and needs to be fully developed.)
  • Begin your first paragraph/section with a topic sentence that relates to the social issue the movie addresses. Then, provide evidence from the movie (along with your analysis) to support that topic sentence. As part of your support, include how anthropomorphism is used to relate the social issue to the viewer/listener. Cite specific characters and behaviors to prove your point.
  • Begin your second paragraph/section with a topic sentence that relates to the universal lesson the movie addresses.  Then, provide evidence from the movie (along with your analysis) to support that topic sentence. As part of your support, include how anthropomorphism is used to relate the universal lesson to the viewer/listener. Cite specific characters and behaviors to prove your point.
  • Remember to cite source ideas within the text of your writing, and include a work(s) cited for the movie source.
  • Remember to proofread and edit your writing for clarity and fluency of ideas and for correct grammar and mechanics.
  • Post your 2-4 paragraph writing in the Discussion Board link above titled “Anthropomorphism in Charlotte’s Web Movie Online Discussion by copying and pasting it into the Submission window (some students can not open attachments).

Anthropomorphism in Charlotte’s Web Movie Online Discussion

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